Holy hive
My little sisters speak through me
I want to sit beneath a good strong tree
and bleed into the earth
she carries a flat stone bigger
than her body
I place it on my tongue
the air begins to giggle
and the earth splits.
Out comes the honey
save thy body and thank the bees
for they move and tend to
a delicate secret
strung from the molten core of earth
to every sweet star flower.
A dance of essences
sinuous through space
drips down the stem and enters
the dark womb of earth
and permeates the membranes
raised up from the ground
to circle softly in the void.
Holy are hexagons
and sweet gestation
holy vulva
soft tissues fill the void
tufts and tendrils drawn
at the tips of my fingers
my soul secretes a message
for the queen.
She says in a dream
an amber toned dream
fierce and fanned by thousands of wings
penetrating a wild new world
I am sinking, stimulated
by the nectar of this shrine
pheromones diffuse into darkness
beneath me
my body is honey
and she tells me to breath
she says
let yourself bleed.