Dream in an Old Country House /
Undulations of Man and Women
They were perfect when they
stood like trees
he said,
straight and bare.
Heads up in the air
she said.
Understand this,
said he,
we were the saviors
the ropes on the mountain.
And we the stewards
she said.
They made a ruckus
he said,
Our service saved...
She said,
when our bodies turned
to ships
and we crawled, shouting
to the hills
when we tried to run
to heal
I hid away
he said,
it was not a gift.
When we were quiet our thoughts
combusted she said
sometimes we would sing
and time swept up into waves
Sometimes we danced
to ascend, finally
to express
and combine -- My!
It was good.
And then she noticed
he was gone
and she sat
with palms open